Reconstrução de Imagens Tomográficas Geradas por Projeções Fan-Beam com Detetores Eqüidistantes usando Redes Neurais Parcialmente Conectadas

Título: Reconstrução de Imagens Tomográficas Geradas por Projeções Fan-Beam com Detetores Eqüidistantes usando Redes Neurais Parcialmente Conectadas

Autores: Medeiros, Luciano Frontino; Silva, Hamilton Pereira; Ribeiro, Eduardo Parente

Resumo: We present a neural network approach for the tomographic imaging problem using interpolation methods and fan-beam projections. This approach uses a partially connected neural network especially assembled for solving the tomographic reconstruction problem (without the need for training). We extended the calculations to perform the reconstruction with interpolation and to allow reconstruction of fan-beam geometry problems. The main goal is to aggregate speed and quality for the tomographic reconstruction process.


Páginas: 6

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2003-065

Artigo em PDF: 6CBRN_065.PDF

Arquivo BibTex: 6CBRN_065.bib