Título: Obstacle Avoidance in Dynamic Environment: a Hierarchical Solution
Autores: Neto, Areolino de Almeida; Heinmann, Bodo; Góes, Luiz Carlos S.; Nascimento Jr, Cairo L.
Resumo: This article presents a concept for obstacle avoidance in dynamic environment suitable for mobile robot. The task of obstacle avoidance is divided in tree principal groups: local, global and for emergencies. The local avoidance is here approached, in which the concept used is based on reinforcement learning, in such a way that the situations are divided into four states and two kinds of actions are possible. The states define in what situation the movement relationship between the robot and the dynamic obstacles is present, and the actions decide in which direction the robot must follw, in order to avoid a possible collision. And besides, here it is showed also how the state-action matrix was filled and its representation using neural network.
Páginas: 6
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2003-061
Artigo em PDF: 6CBRN_061.PDF
Arquivo BibTex: 6CBRN_061.bib