The Use of Genetic Algorithms for the Evaluation of Inverse Kinematics of Manipulators

Título: The Use of Genetic Algorithms for the Evaluation of Inverse Kinematics of Manipulators

Autores: Silveira, Carlos Henrique da; Coelho, Lúcio de Souza; Campos, Mário Fernando Montenegro

Resumo: This paper describes the implementation of a genetic algorithm system able to compute the inverse kinematics of a generic manipulator (robot). Given its geometric description and an homogeneous transformation describing the goal to be reached by its end-effector, the system computes the joint angle/displacement values with the desired precision. The method presented good performance in the case of a 6 degree of freedom manipulator, with a fast convergence to the specified values. An application to the case of redundant manipulators is also presented, where analytical solution by traditional methods would be high complexity.


Páginas: 6

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN1994-042

Artigo em PDF: CBRN1994-paper42.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: CBRN1994-paper42.bib