Título: The Effect of Data Augmentation on the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks
Autores: Romero, Nelson;Gutoski, Matheus;Hattori, Leandro;Lopes, Heitor
Soft biometrics classification has been gaining acceptance during the recent years for critical applications, mainly in the security field. Recognizing individuals by using only behavioral, physical or psychological characteristics is a task that can be helpful for several purposes. Thus, different Deep Learning approaches have been proposed to perform this task. Since these methods require a large amount of data to avoid overfitting, data augmentation is a commonly used method. However, its isolated effect on the performance of the models are usually not evaluated. This work aims at studying the effect of different data augmentation strategies on the performances of two Convolutional Neural Network architectures for classifying soft biometrics attributes from samples of a novel dataset: LABICv1.
Deep Learning;Convolutional Neural Networks;Data Augmentation;Unbalanced Datasets
Páginas: 12
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2017-51
Artigo em pdf: cbic-paper-51.pdf
Arquivo BibTeX: cbic-paper-51.bib