Genetic Algorithms Applied To Computer-Generated Green Public Lightning Design

Título: Genetic Algorithms Applied To Computer-Generated Green Public Lightning Design

Autores: Rocha, Hugo X.; Peretta, Igor S.; Lima, Gerson F. M.; Marques, Leonardo G.; Yamanaka, Keiji

Resumo: Lighting Design is a field of engineering that misses automatic approaches to help lighting designers. Genetic Algorithms (GA) are a widely used class of algorithm for search and optimization. This work presents the early results from applying GA for computer-generated public lighting design. Some simplifications are done in order to test the extent and efficacy of this methodology. The solution designed by GA, when compared to the edified one, shows a superior uniformity of illumination and a 10% of economy on power consumption.

Palavras-chave: Computer-generated Design; Public Lighting Design; Genetic Algorithms

Páginas: 8

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2011-38.1

Artigo em pdf: st_38.1.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: st_38.1.bib