An Intelligent Human-Machine Interface For Reading Digital Texts For The Blind

Título: An Intelligent Human-Machine Interface For Reading Digital Texts For The Blind

Autores: Braga, Diego de Siqueira; Lima Neto, Fernando Buarque de; Oliveira, Sérgio Campello

Resumo: This article reports the acquired experience of developing a new module for ‘KnowTouch’, an Intelligent Braille display product that involves hardware and software for aiding the blind. This new module recognizes some characteristics of the user and adapts the device accordingly. Here we describe in detail the main function of this new module: the next page function. In short, this functionality works as an auto-scroll that perceives the average time spent by the user on each page. Just after a minutes use, the module is able to infer the time necessary for the user to read the next page and automatically scroll it for him/her.

Palavras-chave: HMI; Assistive technology; Cybernetic; Embedded system

Páginas: 7

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2011-28.2

Artigo em pdf: st_28.2.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: st_28.2.bib