Título: Neural leptonjets/jet discrimination in highly segmented calorimeters
Autores: Souza, Danilo Lima de; Seixas, José Manoel de
Resumo: This paper presents a proposal of leptonjets/jet discriminator system for operating at the Second Level Trigger of ATLAS. The system processes formated calorimetry data, so that high performance can be achieved. The data processed, based in specialist knowledge, feed linear or non-linear classifiers with somewhat close performance. This implementation resulted on high leptonjets detection efficiency for a low false alarm.
Palavras-chave: LHC; ATLAS; Neural Networks; Pattern Recognition; leptonjets
Páginas: 7
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2011-19.4
Artigo em pdf: st_19.4.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: st_19.4.bib