Positional Control of a Flexible Structure using Neural Networks

Título: Positional Control of a Flexible Structure using Neural Networks

Autores: Rios Neto, Wilson; Nascimento Júnior, Cairo Lúcio; Góes, Luiz Carlos Sandoval

Resumo: This paper presents an adaptive inverse control approach for the positional control of an unconstrained multibody system with flexible appendages. The approach is called Feedback-ErrorLearning and it is based on the output of a feedback controller with fixed parameters to adapt a neural network which acts as a feedforward controller. The results are demonstrated by simulations using a high fidelity dynamic model of a experimental setup available at the ITA-IEMP Dynamics Laboratory.


Páginas: 6

Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_091.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_091.bib