Título: Application of Graph Theory in the Analysis of Query Similarity and Complexity in Relational Databases
Autores: Beatriz Soares de Souza, Luiz Affonso Guedes
Resumo: Information Systems constant changes and refactoring processes eventually result in design debts, one of them being related to the database management. Redundancy and complexity are often found in databases and eventually affect the overall system performance. In this study, the analysis conducted was based on graph analysis, which is an essential technique in several fields demanding data management. The investigation involved the study of relationships and connections in a realworld financial organization database, between SQL queries represented as nodes and edges in a graph structure. By analyzing the graph structure and properties, it was possible to identify important nodes, detect clusters of related data, and uncover hidden relationships and redundancy. The results indicate that 50% of the database queries had medium to high similarity in subgraphs, which allows the organization to gain valuable insights into their data, make informed decisions, and optimize their database performance
Palavras-chave: Graph Analysis, Isomorphism, Information Systems, Relational Databases
Páginas: 6
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2023-084
Artigo em pdf: CBIC_2023_paper084.pdf
Arquivo BibTeX: CBIC_2023_084.bib