Design and Development of an Automated System for creation of Image Datasets intended to Allow Object Identification and Grasping by Service Robots

Title: Design and Development of an Automated System for creation of Image Datasets intended to Allow Object Identification and Grasping by Service Robots

Authors: João Fabro, Marlon de Oliveira Vaz, Andre Schneider de Oliveira

Abstract: This work presents the design and construction of an operational prototype that allows the creation of datasets that allows service robots to identify and grasp household objects. The prototype was designed and built with several movable and removable parts. Unlike similar systems described in the literature, this structure can be disassembled and transported. Due to the lack of specific datasets designed to allow detection, recognition and grasping tasks for service robots, it was decided to build a structure for data collection in competitive environments, such as RoboCup@Home. With the prototype ready, a first image capture test was performed and 251 images were obtained for a single object. After the necessary adjustments, the prototype is expected to produce automatically 3600 images from various points of view for each object of interest without human interference.


Pages: 6

DOI code: 10.21528/CBIC2019-136

PDF file: CBIC2019-136.pdf

BibTeX file: CBIC2019-136.bib