Title: Control of Discrete-event Systems for 3D Positioning Rotary Tables with Photovoltaic Cells
Authors: Ernesto Franklin Marçal Ferreira, João Viana da Fonseca Neto, Yan Ferreira Silva, Anna Dulce Espindola Fonseca Rocha
Abstract: The use of solar energy for electricity generation is already a reality. Several countries in the world are reconfiguring its energy matrix with the support of this energy source. To contribute to the worldwide renewable energy demand, an Electronic Intelligence Device (EID) systems is developed to manager the power generation process through the sunrise, enabling the use of intelligent techniques and new architectures of control devices, to ensure the solar panels operation at Maximum Power Point (MPP). Aiming high performance of the proposed system, the development of a control system based on discrete event systems theory and optimization methods is presented in this paper, the small photovoltaic cells is assembled on table with three-dimensional movement that is controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller.
Key-words: Electronic Intelligence Device; Programmable Logic Controller; Placement of solar panels.
Pages: 6
DOI code: 10.21528/CBIC2019-12
PDF file: CBIC2019-12.pdf
BibTeX file: CBIC2019-12.bib