Automated Detection of Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Kidney Histopathology

Título: Automated Detection of Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Kidney Histopathology

Autores: Campos, Ikaro;dos-Santos, Washington;Duarte, Angelo;Schnitman, Leizer

This paper presents the current results in the detection of segmental glomerulosclerosis by analyzing histological images of kidney biopsies, stained using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or periodic acidSchiff (PAS) techniques. The work is part of the development of the PathoSpotter-K system, which aims the detection of elemental lesions in histological images of kidney. Currently, PathoSpotter-K accuracy for detecting segmental glomerulosclerosis is 84.8% for H&E stained samples and 81.3% for PAS stained samples. Such rates are similar to that reported for most of the analogous systems used for histological lesions detection in other organs and diseases.


Páginas: 12

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2017-10

Artigo em pdf: cbic-paper-10.pdf

Arquivo BibTeX: cbic-paper-10.bib