Title: A Robust ANN For Rotor Speed Indirect Measurement Of The Induction Machine
Authors: Mouzinho, Lucilene F.; Fonseca Neto, João Viana da; Luciano, Benedito A.; Freire, Raimundo Carlos S.
Resumo: This paper presents a method for the modeling of the rotor speed indirect measurement in an induction machine. It uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm. The algorithm is developed considering the robustness of the induction machine. This method is investigated and realized via environmental M AT LAB and C language. The induction machine model is developed and processed in M AT LAB, analyzing the behavior of stator voltage and current, rotor flux and rotor speed. These values (stator voltage and current) are storages in a file and, after used with step input signals for the ANN algorithm developed in C language. The rotor speed is one of the three weights of an ANN.
Keywords: Modeling of a System; Artificial Neural Networks; Rotor Speed; Induction Machine; Indirect Measurement; Parametric Uncertainty
Pages: 7
Paper as PDF: 50100044.pdf
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