Título: Agrupamento e visualização de dados sísmicos através de quantização vetorial
Autores: Fleck, Ernesto Marchioni; Pedreira, Carlos Eduardo; Santos, Rogério
Resumo: This work suggests the use of a new method of seismic data clustering that can aid in the visualizati on of seismic maps. Seismic data have asymmetric distributions. They are traditionally classified by methods that lead the proposed groups’ references to their mean values. The mean value is, however, sensitive to noise and outliers and the classification methods that make use of this estimator are, consequently, subjected to generating distorted results. Although other works have suggested the use of the median in cases where the distributions are asymmetric – due to the fact that the estimator is robust with respect to noise and outliers – none have proposed a method that would lead the groups’ references to the median while treating seismic data.
Palavras-chave: Agrupamento de dados; mapas sísmicos; mediana; quantização vetorial; tratamento de distribuições assimétricas
Páginas: 6
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2005-105
Artigo em PDF: CBRN2005_105.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: CBRN2005_105.bib