Título: Espaços Psicológicos em Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes Conexionistas
Autores: Martins, Weber; Melo, Francisco Ramos; Meireles, Viviane; Nalini, Lauro Eugênio G.
Resumo: This paper suggests the use of psychological spaces in the conduction of Intelligent Tutorial Systems (ITS) by using neural networks. Such a technique allows the identification of the type of the apprentice and the prediction of the distribution of probability of the appropriate steps that should be traveled in the tutor. Symbolic rules are added to the system to consider the apprentice’s momentary acting.
Páginas: 6
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2003-077
Artigo em PDF: 6CBRN_077.PDF
Arquivo BibTex: 6CBRN_077.bib