Título: Aprendizagem Competitiva versus Algoritmo LBG Quanto à Complexidade Computacional
Autores: Madeiro, Francisco; Lopes, Waslon T. A.; Aguiar Neto, Benedito G.; Alencar, Marcelo S.
Resumo: Codebook design plays a crucial role in the performance of signal processing systems based on vector quantization (VQ). This paper is devoted to the comparison of a competitive learning algorithm with the traditional LBG (Linde-Buzo-Gray) algorithm in terms of computational complexity. From analytical expressions for the number of operations performed by those algorithms for VQ codebook design, the authors establish the conditions that may be satisfied so that the competitive algorithm be more efficient than the LBG algorithm in terms of the number of operations (multiplications, divisions, additions, subtractions and comparisons) performed.
Páginas: 6
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2003-010
Artigo em PDF: 6CBRN_010.PDF
Arquivo BibTex: 6CBRN_010.bib