Previsão de Vazões Afluentes Naturais Usando o Modelo ANFIS

Título: Previsão de Vazões Afluentes Naturais Usando o Modelo ANFIS

Autores: Marinho, Manoel H. N.; Soares, Secundino; Ballini, Rosangela

Resumo: The goal of this paper is to present a neuro fuzzy network model for seasonal streamflow forecasing. The model is based on an adaptive network based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The model was applied to the problem of seasonal streamflow forecasting using a database of average monthly inflows of one Brazilian hydroelectric plant located at Grande river. The performance of the model was compared with multi-layer perceptron. The results show that the ANFIS model provides a better one-step-ahead streanflow forecasting, with forecasting errors significantly lower than the othe approach.


Páginas: 6

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2003-038

Artigo em PDF: 6CBRN_038.PDF

Arquivo BibTex: 6CBRN_038.bib