Título: Redes Neurais Aplicadas na Separação de Partículas em Calorímetros Cintilantes
Autores: Rajagopal, R.; Seixas, J. M.; Calôba, L. P.
Resumo: A neural particle discriminator is developed for a high-energy scintillating fiber calorimeter, a detector that measures the energy of incoming particles. This fine-grained detector provides a detailed information on the energy deposition profiles in terms of both digitized time signals (longitudinal information) and readout energy absorbed on each calorimeter cell (radial information). The designed discriminator achieves high efficiency in identifying electrons and píons when trained on experimental data sets and performance is essentially independent of the beam energy and impact point. Comparisons with classical discriminating methods in the field are also provided.
Páginas: 6
Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_060.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_060.bib