NEVE: Um Comitê de Classificadores Neuro-Evolucionário para Aprendizagem Adaptativa

Título: NEVE: Um Comitê de Classificadores Neuro-Evolucionário para Aprendizagem Adaptativa

Autores: Escovedo, Tatiana; Cruz, André Vargas Abs da; Vellasco, Marley; Koshiyama, Adriano S.

Resumo: This work describes the use of a quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QIEA-R) to construct a weighted ensemble of neural network classifiers for adaptive learning in concept drift problems. The proposed algorithm, named NEVE (meaning Neuro-EVolutionary Ensemble), uses the QIEA-R to train the neural networks and also to determine the best weights for each classifier belonging to the C when a new block of data arrives. After running eight simulations using two different datasets and performing two different analysis of the results, we show that NEVE is able to learn the data set and to quickly respond to any drifts on the underlying data, indicating that our model can be a good alternative to address concept drift problems.

Palavras-chave: Adaptive learning; concept drift; neuro-evolutionary ensemble; quantum-inspired evolution

Páginas: 6

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2013-095

Artigo em pdf: bricsccicbic2013_submission_95.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: bricsccicbic2013_submission_95.bib