Título: Uma abordagem baseada em Sistemas Fuzzy e Algoritmos de Colônia de Formigas para classificação de rotas em RSSF
Autores: Sobral, José V. V.; Rabêlo, Ricardo A. L.; Baluz, Rodrigo S.; Araújo, Harilton S.; Holanda Filho, Raimir
Resumo: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a special kind of ad-hoc network that presents serious restrictions of storage, processing and energy. The components of that kind of network are generally equipped with a battery of low capacity and the data transmission being the action responsible for the high-energy consumption of battery. That kind of network is generally used to monitor hard access areas. This makes impractical or extremely costly the replacement of sensors without energy. Aiming to reduce the energy consumption of sensors nodes, new technics are emerging in order to optimize the process of selection and use of routes. This paper presents a hybrid approach to reduce the energy consumption of sensors nodes by using a set of Computational Intelligence algorithms. In order to validate our approach, we performed a simulation, collecting the following metrics: number of received messages, average cost per message, packet loss rate, life time of first node. The fulfilled evaluation shows that our approach has great results compared with other ones existent in the state of the art.
Palavras-chave: Redes de Sensores Sem Fio; Otimização; Sistemas Fuzzy; Algoritmos de Colônia de Formigas; Roteamento
Páginas: 6
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2013-228
Artigo em pdf: bricsccicbic2013_submission_228.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: bricsccicbic2013_submission_228.bib