Título: Aceleração do Algoritmo Fuzzy K-means: Avaliação em Quantização Vetorial de Imagens
Autores: Galvão, Rodrigo R.; Ferreira, Felipe A. B. S.; Madeiro, F.; Cunha, Daniel C.
Resumo: A method for accelerating the fuzzy k-means algorithm is presented. A performance evaluation of the method is carried out in the scenario of vector quantization codebook design for image compression. Simulation results show that the proposed method leads to a reduction in the number of iterations performed by the fuzzy k-means algorithm. Additionally, it is shown that the convergence speed of the algorithm is increased without sacrificing the quality of the designed codebooks.
Palavras-chave: Fuzzy k-means; vector quantization; codebook design; convergence speed
Páginas: 7
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2011-15.5
Artigo em pdf: st_15.5.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: st_15.5.bib