Título: Sistema Fuzzy No Combate A Violência Doméstica
Autores: Farias, Adriana M. G. de; Lopes, Danniel C.; Castro, Angélica F.; Magalhães, Renato V.
Resumo: This paper presents a proposal to facilitate the work of professionals specializing in domestic violence against women, outlining strategies to combat this phenomenon based on systematic modeling of this problem. It was modeled a Fuzzy system that uses violence, times and locations of events as input parameters, producing a fair and focused on regions where violence is concentrated. Preliminary results suggest a placement of police vehicles than the current one, focusing on locations with higher levels of violence.
Palavras-chave: Fuzzy; nebulosa; mamdani; violência doméstica; DEAM
Páginas: 9
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2011-05.4
Artigo em pdf: st_05.4.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: st_05.4.bib