Título: Aplicação de Redes Neurais Artificiais em Dados Epidemiológicos de Hepatite A
Autores: Santos, Alcione Miranda dos; Pereira, Basílio de Bragança; Medronho, Roberto de Andrade; Campos, Mônica Rodrigues; Seixas, José Manoel; Calôba, Luiz Pereira
Resumo: This work aims at developing a supporting system for medical diagnosis of type A hepatitis. For this, logistic regression and artificial neural network models are considered. Perfomance is measured from classification indexes on sample persons from an area in Rio de Janeiro Estate that suffers seriously from such disease. Results show that neural model out perfoms logistic regression and achieves an overrall classification efficiency above 80%.
Páginas: 4
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2001-125
Artigo em pdf: 5cbrn_125.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: 5cbrn_125.bib