Modelagem e Controle Neuro-Fuzzy De Sistemas Dinâmicos Não-Lineares

Título: Modelagem e Controle Neuro-Fuzzy De Sistemas Dinâmicos Não-Lineares

Autores: Quadrelli, G.; Tanscheit, R.; Vellasco, M. M.

Resumo: The main goal of this paper is to propose procedures for the modelling and control of nonlinear systems by using a neuro-fuzzy network topology. The input space of a nonlinear system is initially divided into a number of fuzzy operating regions within which reduced order models (ARMAX) are able to represent the system. The complete system model output – the global model – is obtained through the conjunction of the local models outputs by using a neuro-fuzzy network with hybrid learning (self-organizes learning and supervised learning). FALCON-H, is applied to control the neuro-fuzzy plant.


Páginas: 6

Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2001-048

Artigo em pdf: 5cbrn_048.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: 5cbrn_048.bib