Implementação de Classificadores Neuronais na Tecnologia de Processadores Digitais de Sinais

Título: Implementação de Classificadores Neuronais na Tecnologia de Processadores Digitais de Sinais

Autores: Souza Filho, J. B. O.; Seixas, J. M.

Resumo: This article describes the implementation of an artificial neural network using high-speed digital signal processors (DSPs). The target processor was the ADSP-2106x, a 32 bit floating-point DSP, running Assembly language codes. As a case study, a particle discriminator for the field of high-energy physics is developed for online operation. Accuracy and speed tests confirm the good matching of this technology to the requirements of network implementation.


Páginas: 6

Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_093.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_093.bib