Uma Nova Arquitetura Modular para Circuitos Geradores de Função de Pertinência com uso em Projeto de Microprocessador Difuso

Título: Uma Nova Arquitetura Modular para Circuitos Geradores de Função de Pertinência com uso em Projeto de Microprocessador Difuso

Autores: Mesquita, Leonardo; Botura Jr., Galdenoro; Saotome, Osamu

Resumo: In this paper a new topology to membership function circuits is proposed. This architecture is all modulated, thus, it is possible to generate membership functions in triangular or trapezoidal shape. It was developed in order to be used as part of fuzzy microprocessors. An integrated circuit in bipolar technology was developed for architecture verification; so, it can also be implemented in technology CMOS. A description of each block that composes the circuit is done in this paper, as well as a discussion regarding those circuits. The results obtained from these simulations are also discussed. Six modules of the circuit were implemented in the accomplished simulation, what facilitated to generate five membership functions, either triangular or trapezoidal shapes. The results show that the new architecture is fully viable of being accomplished used as part of a fuzzy microprocessor.


Páginas: 5

Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_066.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_066.bib