Explorando o Potencial de Algoritmos de Aprendizado com Reforço em Robôs Móveis

Título: Explorando o Potencial de Algoritmos de Aprendizado com Reforço em Robôs Móveis

Autores: Faria, Gedson; Romero, Roseli Francelin

Resumo: There are many methods to solving the reinforcement learning problem. In this work, reinforcement learning algorithms are investigated in the context of the small robot navigation. Some methods as Q-learning, R-learning and H-learning are presented. A MDP environment (Markov Decision Process) is proposed by utilizing the fuzzy logic concepts and experiments performed with the Q-learning algorithm are also presented and discussed.


Páginas: 6

Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_051.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_051.bib