Título: Monitoração da Segurança Estática do Sistema Sul – Sudeste através da Tecnologia de Redes Neurais
Autores: Folhadela Neto, José; Sodré, Eduardo; Carvalho Jr., Manoel Afonso de
Resumo: This paper shows the effectiveness of Neural Network in the assessment of system security, as related to Long Term Voltage Instability. The system operating conditions are determined from the Margin index that is obtained through a Continuation Method. It is also demonstrated that, for the studied problem, a model with supervised learning, Multilayer Perceptron, shows better results than a model with non-supervised learning, such as the Kohonen neural net. The methodology that is described is applied to actual system with 77 buses, derived from the South – Southwest Brazilian power network.
Páginas: 6
Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_039.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_039.bib