Redes Neurais de Hopfield como Ferramenta de Otimização Aplicado ao Despacho Hidrotérmico

Título: Redes Neurais de Hopfield como Ferramenta de Otimização Aplicado ao Despacho Hidrotérmico

Autores: Aquino, Ronaldo R. B. de; Carvalho Jr., Manoel Afonso de; Souza, Benemar Alencar de

Resumo: This paper presents an application of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to solve the hydrothermal generation system dispatch problem. The ANN here used is the recurrents networks of “Hopfield and Tank” after be improved by “Kennedy and Chua”. The dispatch problem is modeled as a linear programming problem(LPP) where the constrain matrix represents the energy balance and the objective function search the minimum operation cost. The LPP is solved as a dynamic problem through analogs circuits as proposed by “Kennedy and Chua”.


Páginas: 6

DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2001-037

Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_037.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_037.bib