Title: Prediction of Sunspot Behavior Using Machine Learning Techniques
Authors: Sthefanie Premebida, Denise Pechebovicz, Thiago Camargo, Henrique Nazário, Vinicios Soares, Jakson L. Bittencourt, Virginia Baroncini, Hugo Siqueira, Diego Oliva, Marcella Martins
Abstract: The prediction of solar activity allows the study and pattern recognition of future solar and terrestrial events. In this work, we applied Machine Learning techniques to predict sunspot numbers based on solar activity. Results show a high potential of this processing that become a competitive approach for the sunspots prediction.
Key-words: Sunspot series, prediction, machine learning
Pages: 1
DOI code: 10.21528/CBIC2019-40
PDF file: CBIC2019-40.pdf
BibTeX file: CBIC2019-40.bib