Título: Diagnóstico Automático de Reguladores de Tensão Utilizando Algoritmos Genéticos e Redes Neurais
Autores: Simas F., Eduardo F.; Almeida, L. A. L. de; Lima, Antonio C. de C.
Resumo: On Load Tap Changers (OLTC) are widely used for voltage regulation in electricity networks. Non-invasive vibration methods for condition monitoring of internal electrical contacts have been recently proposed in the literature. The vibration signals emitted during the tap changes are usually recorded and post-processed using spectral analysis and some pattern classifier technique. To reduce the complexity of the Neural classifier, a new technique based on Genetic Algorithm is proposed in this paper. A description of the data acquisition system and the corresponding collected experimental data are presented. The proposed technique is detailed and preliminary experimental results are discussed.
Palavras-chave: OLTC; Vibration Analysis; Genetic Algorithms; Neural Networks Signal Processing
Páginas: 6
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBRN2005-127
Artigo em PDF: CBRN2005_127.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: CBRN2005_127.bib