Title: Application Of RBF-NN On Power Operation Optimization Of Photovoltaic Stand Alone System With Variable Loads
Authors: Chuco, B.; Ortiz, J. L. R.; Pinto, J. O. P.; Linares, K. S. C.; Leite, L. C.
Resumo: This work presents the application of Artificial Neural Network to a maximum voltage estimator and control system to maintain the photovoltaic (PV) generator in the maximum power point, independent of load variations. A Radial Basis Functions Neural Network (RBF-NN) controller is implemented, to estimate, from irradiation and temperature data, the maximum voltage of operation of PV generator. The charge and discharge of the battery and the SOC battery are controlled too with RBF-NN.
Keywords: RBF-NN; Maximum voltage; Maximum power; Photovoltaic Generator
Pages: 4
Paper as PDF: 50100050.pdf
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