Título: Redes Neurais Artificiais: Uma Aplicação ao Planejamento da Operação de Sistemas Hidrotérmicos de Geração
Autores: Aquino, Ronaldo R. B. de; Carvalho Jr., Manoel Afonso de; Souza, Benemar Alencar de
Resumo: This paper shows an application of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in the operation planning of a hydrothermal generation system. The ANN algorithm used is the multilayered perceptron (MLP) trained with error back-propagation learning correction rule. Here the ANN is treined to give as output the hydro generations when is presented to the natural inflows and/or turbined outflow. This ANN is modeled to represent the pratical aspects of the analised problem. An optimal hydrothermal operation model is used to provide the trainning examples.
Páginas: 6
Artigo em pdf: 4cbrn_036.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: 4cbrn_036.bib