Título: Community Detection Approach For Cluster Formation In Wireless Sensor Networks
Autores: Ferreira, Leonardo N.; Pinto, A. R.; Lopes, Alneu A.; Zhao, Liang
Resumo: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are composed of tiny wireless nodes that collect and process data. These networks can be composed of hundreds of nodes and be deployed in large and hazardous monitoring areas. WSN presents several hadware, software and communication constraints and a limited energy budget. Thus, one of the most challenging tasks in this technology is the achievement of a trade-off between Quality of Service and energy consumption. Most of the wireless standards are not able to deal with these large scale challenges. Therefore, when these WSN are deployed on large monitoring areas, they must be organized and divided into clusters in order to cover the monitoring area. Thus, it is necessary to develop approaches that organize the network and minimize lost messages rate. This way, community detection approaches could be an interesting alternative to organize and improve WSNs performance. In this paper, a community detection approach for cluster formation in large scale WSN is presented. Our approach was able to decrease lost messages rate when compared with a random cluster-head deployment approach.
Palavras-chave: Complex Networks; Community Detection; Wireless Sensor Networks
Páginas: 8
Código DOI: 10.21528/CBIC2011-40.6
Artigo em pdf: st_40.6.pdf
Arquivo BibTex: st_40.6.bib