Luı́s Otávio Lopes Amorim , Miguel Angelo de Abreu de Sousa
, Sara Dereste dos Santos
, Ricardo Pires
& Sigride Thome-Souza
Abstract: Considering the large number of people that suffer with epilepsy, there is great interest in developing a system capable of predicting the occurrence of the seizures. Warning patients about the proximity of a seizure can help them to avoid dangerous situations. Many efforts in the development of this system have been placed using, basically, machine learning techniques. In most of these works, regardless of the technique employed, it is assumed that the system is able to learn when the patient’s brain signals, obtained from electroencephalogram (EEG), change from interictal to pre-ictal state. Some published works do not explicitly clarify the method of choosing training and test data. This means that good results may be due to the use of an inadequate method. That is, the EEG segments may have been temporarily mixed up during training, which would help the network correctly predict the seizure. However, this would not work from a real point of view. The objective of this work is to investigate, through experiments, the effect of the way of choosing the training and test data on the accuracy of a seizure prediction system. Experimental results showed that the accuracy of the systems increases when training is performed with windows close to the seizure used for testing.
Keywords: Epilepsy, prediction, electroencephalogram, EEG, training data, machine learning.
DOI code: 10.21528/lnlm-vol22-no2-art5
PDF file: vol22-no2-art5.pdf
BibTex file: vol22-no2-art5.bib