Willy John Nakamura Goto , Douglas Wildgrube Bertol
, & Nardênio Almeida Martins
Abstract: This paper presents an adaptive immune fuzzy quasi-sliding mode kinematic control integrated with a PD dynamic control for the trajectory tracking and the leader-follower formation control by nonholonomic differential-drive wheeled mobile robots under incidence of uncertainties and disturbances. An immune regulation mechanism bio-inspired approach with reaction effect established by novel fuzzy rules set to adjust the control effort adaptively is designed, also using a fuzzy boundary layer and introducing an adaptation law for the immune portion gain online adjustment in such a way that they can also avert parameter drift, dealing with the drawbacks of a classic first-order sliding mode control, suppressing chattering and still maintaining the robustness with no a priori knowledge of the bounds of the disturbances. An obstacle avoidance strategy with a reactive method and variable avoidance radius is also proposed. The stability analysis is performed based on the Lyapunov theory. Simulation results demonstrate the proposed control effectiveness.
Keywords: Wheeled mobile robots, Sliding mode control, Leader-follower formation tracking control, Artificial immune systems, Uncertainties and Disturbances, Obstacle avoidance.
DOI code: 10.21528/lnlm-vol22-no1-art5
PDF file: vol22-no1-art5.pdf
BibTex file: vol22-no1-art5.bib