A Survey on the Nonlinear Analysis of Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers

Título: A Survey on the Nonlinear Analysis of Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers

Autores: Thé, George André Pereira

Resumo: Quantum dot semiconductor lasers constitute a recent type of laser sources for a variety of applications ranging from optical communications to biomedical instrumentation, and it appears as a prominent alternative over the precedent quan- tum well lasers because of important properties as, for instance, the low threshold current, the high gain bandwidth and the high differential gain. The sensitivity to optical feedback is also an important feature of such devices and have attracted a lot of attention in the last decades because relevant design issues can be improved, with significant cost saving expected. Furthermore, these devices present a very rich variety of dynamic behavior for which very often the mathematical framework of nonlinear systems is required. To offer readers an introduction to the modeling of these devices, in this paper a survey on the quantum dot lasers is presented, with emphasis on the achievements of the literature in the last 10 years. This includes the characterization of chaotic dynamics through the calculation of Lyapunov exponents, the evaluation of the dimension of strange attractors, the determination of routes to chaos from bifurcation diagram and other approaches from nonlinear system dynamics.

Palavras-chave: Caracterização de caos; expoentes de Lyapunov; diagramas de bifurcação; lasers de pontos quânticos

Páginas: 11

Código DOI: 10.21528/lmln-vol13-no2-art3

Artigo em PDF: vol13-no2-art3.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: vol13-no2-art3.bib