Automatic Neighborhood Control for Intelligent Agents Inspired in Wolf Pack Behavior

Título: Automatic Neighborhood Control for Intelligent Agents Inspired in Wolf Pack Behavior

Autores: Pessoa, Luís F. A.; Leonel, Amanda; Menezes, Luís C. S.; Lima Neto, Fernando B. de

Resumo: This paper aims at presenting an automatic neighborhood control for intelligent agents inspired in the behavior of wolf packs. The outcome of this research is a new tool for modeling the contour of a given cloud of points (that may be represented by mathematical functions) in order to reduce the effort of defining the boundaries of the input points. For that we selected and implemented a small repertoire of wolves like behaviors and some environmental dynamic features. Those features are based on social relations among wolves (the adaptive computing units in the algorithm) and are expressed as two operators, namely, (i) wolf’s location and (ii) wolf’s radius of influence. The put forward algorithm generates a set of location- radius pairs, one for each considered wolf, which is offered in lieu of the initial cloud of points. As proof of concept some simulations were carried out and are presented here with clouds of points in shape of four different mathematical functions (two polynomial and two trigonometric). The simulations also aimed at investigating the influence of selected parameters in relation to the observed results. Based on the good results obtained, this preliminary study is thought to be an important step towards an innovative intelligent tool for function approximation based on collective intelligence.

Palavras-chave: Multi-Agent Systems; Natural Computing; Social Computing; Function Approximation; Wolf pack

Páginas: 11

Código DOI: 10.21528/lmln-vol8-no4-art3

Artigo em PDF: vol8-no4-art3.pdf

Arquivo BibTex: vol8-no4-art3.bib