Alexandre, R.F. , Campelo, F.
, Vasconcelos, J.A.
Abstract: This work is concerned with the efficient allocation of trucks to shovels in operation at open-pit mines. As this problem involves high-value assets, namely mining trucks and shovels, any improvement obtained in terms of operational efficiency can result in considerable financial savings. Thus, this work presents multi-objective strategies for solving the problem of dynamically allocating a heterogeneous fleet of trucks in an open-pit mining operation, aiming at maximizing production and minimizing costs, subject to a set of operational and physical constraints. Two Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGAs) were specially developed to address this problem: the first uses specialized crossover and mutation operators, while the second employs Path-Relinking as its main variation engine. Four test instances were constructed based on real open-pit mining scenarios, and used to validate the proposed methods. The two MOGAs were compared to each other and against a Greedy Heuristic (GH), suggesting of of the MOGAs as a potential strategy for solving the multi-objective truck dispatch problem for open-pit mining operations.
Keywords: Multi-Objective Optimization; Evolutionary Algorithms; Open-Pit Mines; Truck Dispatch; Path-Relinking;
DOI code: 10.21528/lnlm-vol17-no2-art5
PDF file: vol17-no2-art5.pdf
BibTex file: vol17-no2-art5.bib