Local Rule-Based Explanations Method Based on Genetic Algorithms with Fitness Sharing

Daniel A. Santos orcid, José A. Baranauskas orcid& Renato Tinós orcid

Abstract: The Local Rule Based Explanations method (LORE) explains decisions of black-box classifiers by using an interpretable model (Decision Tree – DT). The DT is trained with an artificial dataset generated by Genetic Algorithms (GAs). The primary objective of this approach is to replicate the decision boundaries of the black-box model in proximity to the instance under explanation. We show that the artificial examples generated by the GAs in LORE are not necessarily diverse. Consequently, we propose the integration of GAs with fitness sharing in LORE to generate a more diversified subset of artificial examples. The underlying motivation is to ensure that the local decision boundaries of the DT more closely resemble those of the black-box classifier. Experimental results with two classifiers (Multilayer Perceptron and Random Forests), and four classification problems, indicate that LORE with fitness sharing yields more diverse GA populations, consequently leading to improved local explanations. These findings underscore the effectiveness of incorporating fitness sharing into the LORE methodology for enhancing the explainability of black-box classifiers.

Keywords: Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms, Fitness Sharing.

DOI code: 10.21528/lnlm-vol21-no2-art1

PDF file: vol21-no2-art1.pdf

BibTex file: vol21-no2-art1.bib